MDCAT 2022

AoA! I am Hamda Farooq.. I got admission in King Edward Medical college this year with merit no 102.

I want to guide the mdcat Aspirants that are going to appear in mdcat 2022.

Point no 1= How to prepare mdcat?

For this I want to say that you should join the early mdcat session….

If I wanna talk about myself, I joined early mdcat session of step. Mostly, the students cover the syllabus till the end of January.

So after joining the early session , you also get the time to prepare yourself for mdcat and not only that it’s the best way to grasp the major and difficult part of your 2nd syllabus.

If I talk about step, for freshers only you have to work on Sunday for mdcat.Sunday sessions are conducted and throughout the week you can prepare your fsc.

The most important thing is that your 2nd year books should be on your fingertips so that after your exams… can give more time to 1st year…..which requires a thorough learning.

For bio , the most important thing is cramming.

Scientific terms and theory means a lot. Moreover concepts should be strong.

For chem, you need to learn equations, formulae , different values in tables and concepts should also be strong.

For physics , take into consideration different variations of equations, different tactics to solve numericals and most important you need homework to solve numericals without calculator.

English is explained below.

Point no 2= Which books to follow?

You should cram your ptb books…each and every word

As federal books are concerned…..I wanna say that bio is the most important in this regard….You should take into consideration the federal books of 1st year and 2nd year of bio.

As chemistry is concerned , Ptb and federal books share a lot of content…..and only some topics you have to study from federal and mostly the teachers cover them up.

If I talk about physics, there is no need of federal books because all content is mostly same in ptb and federal.

For English you have to grasp synonyms and antonyms of your 1st year and 2nd year ptb books ….Morever , make a good grip on grammar if you want to take good marks in English….

If logical reasoning is also a part of mdcat 2022…..I wanna say ……only practice is required….you can get plenty of mcqs on Google .

Point no 3 =Sources to get study material.

First your books are best as I explained above

Morever, take practice books i.e of step, kips etc.. Join different study groups on WhatsApp and Facebook, where all the study material is available that too free of cost.

Point no 4 = How to handle burden and anxiety?

I wanna say that reduce your sleeping hours to atleast 5 hours because these days are very important to decide your future.

Then I wanna say that believe in Allah almighty because everything is under His control

Offer your prayers and pray from Allah

And the last thing don’t be hopeless, You should chin up yourself that you can do this

Remain confident but don’t be overconfident.

So this is from my part….Best of luck…..

Most important line….. PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT…..🤟

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