MDCAT Practice Test 2022|Test No 8
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NMDCAT Practice Tests 2022
NMDCAT 2022 Practice Tests are being uploaded to help the students in the evaluation of entry Test Preparations. These practice MCQs are selected from PMC Practice Test 2021. Attempt the following MCQs posted by Expert MDCAT.
Here is the Test No #8 (T3) of NMDCAT Practice Tests 2022
1) The long unbranched, slender tubulin protein is called?
a) microtubules
b) intermediate filament
c) actin
d) all of these
2) According to Ivanovski what are soluble living germs
a) Bacteria b) Viruses
c) Fungi d) Both A and B
3) H-bonding is stronger then.
a) Dipole dipole forces
b) Debye forces
c) London forces
d) All of these
4) Rate equation for the hydrolysis of Tertiary Butyl Bromide is independent of concentration of water as a reactant because
a) it’s in excess b) A solvent
c) Solute d) Both A and B
5) A capacitor stores charge Q at a potential difference AV. What happens if the voltage applied to the capacitor by a battery is doubled to 2 AV?
a) the capacitance falls to half its initial value, and the charge remains the same
b) the capacitance and the charge both fall to half their initial values
c) the capacitance and the charge both double
d) the capacitance remains the same, and the charge Doubles
6) If a graph is plotted between pressure on x-axis and volume on y-axis for Boyle’s law verification, the curve obtained is called
a) pseudotherm b) isotherm
c) biotherm d) all of these
7) Which among the following defines GPI anchored proteins?
a) integral proteins of the plasma membrane
b) Proteins that bind to ion-gated channels in the plasma membrane
c) Proteins which randomly bind to lipids of the plasma membrane
d) Peripheral proteins of the plasma membrane
8) Cytochrome C is an example of _
a) peripheral protein
b) transmembrane proteins
c) intrinsic proteins
d) intracellular proteins
9) How many hydrogen atoms are attached to tertiary carbon in tertiary butyl alcohol?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 0
10) The genetic change in a population caused by natural selection is called?
a) polymorphism b) specialization
c) gene linkage d) adaptation
11) Which of the light is mainly absorbed by the plants?
a) Orange b) Red
c) Green d) Both A and B
12) The inflammation of bronchi or bronchioles is known as
a) emphysema b) asthma
c)pneumonia d) bronchitis
13) Which one of the following surrounds the testicles?
a) Penis b) Urethra
c) sperm duct d)scrotum
14) Allosteric enzymes consist of multiple?
a) inhibitors b) polypeptide chains
c) active sites d) temperature ranges
15) Which of the following is not respiration?
a) Breakdown of glucose
b) Formation of glucose
c) Release of energy
d) Exchange of gases
16) Shape of the maturing phase of tge golgi apparatus is?
a) biconcave b) Convexc
c) spherical d) concave
17) Which one of the following is most likely to occur in a boy during puberty?
a) He produces eggs
b) His shoulders broaden.
c) The colour of his eyes change.
d) None of these
18) Activated complex is formed due to
a) Pressure b) Temperature
c) Effective collision d) ineffective collision
19) The nature of amorphous solid is
a) isotropic b) anisotropic
c) mesotrophic d) neotropic
20) In Boyle’s law, which quantity is constant
a) P b) T c) V d) R
21) A light bulb draws 300 mA when the voltage across it is 240 V. The resistance of the light bulb is
a) 400 ohm b) 600 ohm
c) 800 ohm d) 1000 ohm
22) Phenotypic variation is a fundamental prerequisite for evolution by?
a)artificial selection
b) natural selection
c) both a and b
d) none of these
23) A peptide bond is represented by?
a) C-N link b) C-O link
c) N-H link d) C-H link
24) The path taken by the nerve impulses in a reflex is called a
a) Nerve cell b) reflex arc
c) Receptor cells d) Mixed nerve
25) Sperms of liverworts, mosses, ferns move towards archegonia, in response to nucleic acid released by the ovum. This is an example of?
a) Chemotropic movement
b) Chemonastic movement
c) Haptonastic movement
d) Chemotactic movement
26) Herpes simplexes is caused by which virus?
a) adenovirus
b) Pox virus
c) influenza Virus
d) hespes virus
27) The random change in allele frequencies is known as?
a) genetic drift b) diversity
c) linkage d) all of these
28) The controlling function of hypothalamus is:
a) swallowing b) Vision
c) Memory d) water balance
29) Carbon can form bonds with which of the following to perform various functions in living organisms?
a) H b) N and O
c) S d) all of the above
30) A population of birds encounters a dramatic event that results in a severe decrease in population size. As a result of the newly-decreased population, what type of genetic drift does this population now exhibit?
a) Artificial selection b) Founder affect
c) Bottleneck affect d) both a and b
31) The ATP synthesis in plants during the ETC is called?
a) photophosphorylation b) photolysis
c) chemiosmosis d) all of these
32) On which of the following component of chloroplast chlorophyll is arranged?
a) cell membrane b) matrix
c) thylakoid d) stroma
33) A metal cofactor which is used in syntheses of glycolysis is?
a) Fe+3 b) Mn+2
c) Co+2 d) Mg+2
34) Prokaryotes that can utilize oxygen if available, but do not require it, are called?
a) Constitutive anaerobe
b) Facultative anaerobe
c) Constitutive aerobe
d) Obligate anaerobe
35) The proteins at the junction between sarcomeres form the:
a) H zone b) M line
c) Z line d) A band
36) Which lytic enzyme released by the sperm?
a) trypsin b) helicase
c) testerone d) Hyaluronidase
37) What affect do enzymes have on the activation energy of a reaction?
a) trypsin b) decreases
c) no affect
d) increases or decreases depending upon individual enzyme
38) What is generated during noncyclic flow of photosynthesis?
c) oxygen d) all of these
39) Which of the following step occurs immediately after binding of Ca2+ with troponin molecule during muscle contraction?
a) Binding sites of actin get attached to the myosin head
b) Troponin uncovers the actin binding sites.
c) Ca2+ goes back inside sarcoplasmic reticulum.
d) Tropomyosin gets removed from the binding sites of actin filaments.
40) Which of the following statements are true about the viruses?
a) Free living b) Obligate parasites
c) both a and b d) none of the above
41) From beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy the human embryo is referred to as the?
a) zygote b) foetus
c) embryo d) all of these
42) To overcome infertility, which technique is used:
a) In vitro fertilization
b) In vivo fertilization
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
43) Which of the following is male determining gene in humans?
a) tfm b) SRY
c) both a and b
d) none of these
44) Which class has the largest number of animals?
a) fishes b) reptiles
c) insects d) mammals
45) Which of the following blood group is always heterozygous?
a) A b) B c) AB d) O
46) Such inheritance in which traits vary quantitatively is?
a) Continuously varying trait
b) incomplete dominance
c) Test cross
d) Polygenic inheritance
47) PS I has chlorophyll a molecule which absorbs maximum light of ____ nm?
a) 600 b) 650 c) 680 d) 700
48) Glottis is lined with:
a) plasma membrane
b) Mucous membrane
c) meninges
d) epithelial membrane
49) Which statement about the nucleolus is not true?
a) no membranous boundary
b) hereditary center
c) site of synthesis for rRNA
d) composed of two regions
50) Out of 31 pairs of spinal nerves, how many pairs of lumbar nerves are there?
a) no membranous boundary
b) hereditary center
c) site of synthesis for rRNA
d) composed of two regions
50) Out of 31 pairs of spinal nerves, how many pairs of lumbar nerves are there?
a) no membranous boundary
b) hereditary center
c) site of synthesis for rRNA
d) composed of two regions
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