MDCAT Practice Test 2022|Test No 10
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NMDCAT Practice Tests 2022
NMDCAT 2022 Practice Tests are being uploaded to help the students in the evaluation of entry Test Preparations. These practice MCQs are selected from PMC Practice Test 2021. Attempt the following MCQs posted by Expert MDCAT.
Here is the Test No #10 (T3) of NMDCAT Practice Tests 2022
101) SN1 reactions have which of the following specie formed and consumed in the reaction ?
a) Transition state b) intermediate
c) Carbanion d) Carbene
102) The minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from its gaseous atom to form an ion is known as
a) electron affinity
b) ionization energy
c) electronegativity
d) potential energy
103) Number of Valence Electrons in CI-Ion are
a) 18 b) 10 c) 17 d) 8
104) Atomicity is determined by number of __ present in a molecule
a) dots b) atoms
c) sub particles d) electrons
105) The ionization energy of group __ shows abnormal trend
a) 3A & 4A b) 5A& 6A
c) 6A& 4A d) 3A & 6A
105) The ionization energy of group __ shows abnormal tend
a) 3A & 4A b) 5A & 6A
c) 6A & 4A d) 3A & 6A
106) Protein is a polymer of ______?
a) Nitrogen atoms b) Amino acids
c) Glucose d) Nitrogenous base
107) When the central atom of coordination compound is sp3d2 hybridization the expected geometry will be
a) Tetrahedral b) Square planar
c) Trigonal bipyramidal d) Octahedral
108) which of the following solids is isotropic
a) ionic solids b) molecular solids
c) amorphous solids d) metallic solids
109) Which of the following is formed when phenol reacts with acetyl chloride?
A) alcohol B) carboxylic acids
C) ester D) amines
110) Which of the following does not react with bases?
A) carboxylic acids b) phenol
c) ethanol d) HCI
111) The rate of reaction
a) increase as the reaction proceeds
b) decreases as the reaction proceeds
c) remains uncharged
d) None of these
113) In Electrochemical Cell Positive Ions are migrated towards
a) anode b) cathode
c) toward the bottom of the cell
d) towards the walls of the cell
114) H6O+ ions acts as
a) base b) catalyst c) buffer d) acid
114) Toward the bottom of the cell ] Towards the walls of the cell
115) The Addition of Hydrogen cyanide in Formaldehydes give which product?
a) 2-hydroxypropoic b) 2-methylproapnitril
c) hydroxyacetonitril
d) 2-hydroxypropanenitril
116) What is the correct equation to find Heat of neutralization using glass calorimeter?
a) q=msΔT b) E=q mΔT
c) E=msΔT d) q=umcΔT
117) f-block elements are called?
a) inner transition b) outer transition
c) both d) none
118) Which of the following reactions have first step similar with each other?
a) Es1,S2 b) E2,S c) E2,S2 d) E1,S1
119) Pentene has how many isomers?
a) 2 b) 1 c) 5 d) 3
120) Which one of the following H-bond is strong?
a) O–H b) N-H c) F-H d) CI-H
121) Spectrum is the visual display or _________ of component of white light when it is passed through prism
a) rarefaction b) radiation
c) collection d) dispersion
122) Proteases enzyme are example of:
a) lyases b) hydrolases
c) ligases d) transferases
123) SI Unit of voltage is?
a) coulomb b) volts
c) amperes d) newton’s meter
124) Current carrying loop behaves like a
a) monopole b) dipole
c) quadrupole d) octopole
125) Which of the following is the same for isotopes?
a) neutrons b) protons
c) electrons d) all of them
126) The particle that possesses half integral spin has
a) pion b) proton c) k-meson d) photon
127) When temperature of the system does not change, it is called:
a) isothermal b) adiabatic c) isovolumemetric d) isobaric
128) If peak Voltage across a full wave rectifier is 20V then Vrms is
a) 7.07 b) 14.14 v c) 16.8V d) 12V
B 14.14v
129) The value of acceleration due to gravity on moon is __________ of earth
a) 1/4th b) 1/10th c) 2/3rd d) 1/6
130) Laser light is
a) multi directional b) bi-directional
c) uni-directional d) none of these
131) Which of the following is not a conservative force
a) friction b) electric
c) magnetic d) gravitational
131) Which of the following is not a conservative force
a) friction b) electric
c) magnetic d) gravitational
132) Force acting on a negative charge is always
a) in the direction opposite to electric field
b) in the direction of electric field
c) in the direction perpendicular to electric field
d) in the direction perpendicular to the velocity of charge
134) Bright Lines in pattern shows
a) absorption b) emission
c) release d) free particle
135) Electric field lines provide information about
a) Field strength b) direction
c) Nature of charge d) All of these
136) The concept of work function was given by
a) bohr b) Einstein
c) Rutherford d) none of these
137) What will be the decay constant of 1 Curie sample of radioactive substance of mass 214, its half life is 26.8 min?
a) 431*10^4 b) 431*10^5
c) 431*10^5 d) 0.431
138) For currents changing with time will produce___ field
a) electrostatic b) magnetostatic
c) electromagnetic d) none of these
139) In full wave rectifier with input frequency 50 Hz the ripple in the output is mainly of frequency
a) 25 Hz b) 50 Hz c) 100Hz d) zero
140) Instantaneous velocity is defined at
a) particular displacement
b) instant acceleration
c) instant time d) average time
141) Peak voltage in the output of full wave rectifier is 10V so dc component of output voltage is
a) 10 2 b) 20 c) 20/ d) 20
142) The attraction capacity of electromagnet will increase if the
a) Core length increases
b) Core area increases
c) Flux density increases
d) Flux density increases
143) Two spherical nuclei have mass number 216 and 64 with radius R1 and R2 respectively. The ratio of R2/R1 is
a) 1.5 b) 2 c)2.5 d) 3
144) What is the magnitude of the magnetic field B= (0.3i + 0.4j) T?
a) 5T b) 2.5 T c) 0.5 T d) 2 T
145) if crops are grown under greenhouse radiation the crops will
a) grow faster b) grow slowly
c) burn immediately
d) none of these will happen
146) Half wave rectifier passes only
a) lower half cycle b) upper half cycle
c) both cycles d) none of them
147) Which of the following statements is correct? The electric field at a point is
a) continuous if there is a charge at that point
b) always continues
c) discontinuous only if there is a negative charge at that point
d) discontinuous if there is a charge at that point
148) A metal rod of length 4 m , velocity 5m/s and magnetic field 0.5 T induced emf is
a) 10 V b) 20 V C) 30 V d) 4 V
149) When electron series terminates on 4th _________ orbit series is obtained
a) Balmer b) Pfund
c) Paschen d) none of these
none of these
150) A body moving along the circumference of a circle completes two revolutions. If the radius of the circular path is R, the total angular displacement covered is?
a) b) 2 c) zero d) 4
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