Heat and Thermodynaics|Lectures Notes|MDCAT Noted Lectures|Merab Tajamul-MDCAT Topper
MDCAT Notes Pdf |Student of Expert MDCAT -Merab Tajamul 4th Position in Pakistan
MDCAT Noted Lectures by Topper of Expert MDCAT
Merab Tajamul (4th Position in Pakistan)
Physics Unitwise Noted Lectures
Physics has been very important part of Medical and Dental College Admission Test.It is thought that Physics is very complicated Subject Because it contains Concepts,Deep-Learning,equations,derivations and formulas.
*Deep learning
To understand physics you have to master your basic skills of learning.How to build concepts and all basics are required.
Expert MDCAT is going to reveal the secret of success of NMDCAT 2020 Topper,which is hard work.All the noted lectures will be shared in pdf form on daily basis.This will help you alot in your MDCAT Preparations.
We know you face lots of problems in MDCAT Physics,This data will prove more than a blessing for all the students of MDCAT.A better knowledge will be delivered through these noted lectures
Heat and Thermodynamics
Here is the basic concept to understand Heat and thermodynamics
In this post you will be able to understand all about Modern Physics
“Heat and Thermodynamics” Noted Lectures
Heat and thermodynamics is an important chapter in NMDCAT.This unit is full of concepts.Students should practice more and more to get a comond over the unit .Here Noted lectures are available in pdf form.You can download it and read it online.Do share and Also save it
You can also download previously uploaded notes by Expert MDCAT.Following are the Precious notes by NMDCAT Topper 2020 Merab Tajamul ,A proud student of Expert MDCAT
Current Electricity
We hope these noted lectures will help you and assist your in MDCAT Preprations.Do share with all your friends and fellows.All the best
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Expert MDCAT has taken initiative to provide latest MDCAT Books to students at discounted rate. Student will get books through home delivery. A special discount will be awarded to all.
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This time MDCAT ENGLISH BOOK is available which is very valuable for Students.
Chemical Grammar (5th Special Edition)
by Prof.Salman UL Waheed
Dear MDCAT/NUMS 2021 Aspirants,
“CHEMICAL GRAMMAR” is the country’s only book that meets the requirements of PMC National MDCAT in a true sense. No rule in the final paper comes out of this book. NMDCAT 2020 and NUMS 2020 were made from this book because the paper setters picked sentences from the examples given in its exercises. Thousands of students including the Toppers of UHS & PMC have achieved their goals after studying from this book. The 5th Edition of CG has been launched all across the country along with the 5th edition of “PMC/ NUMS MDCAT VOCAB PLUS” also written and published by Prof. Salman ul Waheed.
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Smart Test Session by Expert MDCAT
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Via: Team Expert MDCAT
MDCAT Counseling Lectures
Following are very informative video lectures regarding MDCAT Preparations