


Now comes the embarrassing question of English (embarrassing for most of the students..). Actually the paper consists of 20 mcqs. These mcqs are very very important in deciding your merit. There are roughly 2 categories of questions:

Vocabulary (2 fill in the blanks and 8 synonyms)

Correction (4 Spot the Error and 6choose the correct sentence)

So, you have to focus on these 2 things and I CLAIM that VOCABULARY is MORE IMPORTANT. Not even a single question in the paper of English is without the use of Vocabulary. So, you must have firm grip on these vocabulary words. These are very very difficult words and have been eliminated from the Oxford Dictionary. At least, you must know the meaning of each and every word. This will cause your avoirdupois of English be reduced.

In grammar, you should know only the basic and primal concepts of tenses and PREPOSITION. You must learn all the basics, only basics not detailed concepts of verb, adverb, adjective, etc. These questions are very easy for those who are good at English and have a good base. but the students who need improvement must CONCENTRATE on English Grammar and general rules. These rules are taught by teachers. So, prefer them or simply read books for grammar like Captain and Bright. I personally prefer Captain Key book( only its Grammar portion). Thus the key to at least 15 correct questions in English is THE GRIP ON VOCABULARY.

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