English Book 2 MDCAT Tests
Dear students we are plaesed to upload English book 2 tests in pdf form.
Students often stress themselves while preparing English. You don’t need to worry. Book 2 has a great importance in MDCAT. UHS often gives the exact lines of chapters, as you already know. The most high rated area is of prepositions, as many students get confused at the spot. To prepare well, read its lines carefully. Try to judge the reason of the usage of the particular preposition in the given sentence, that’ll help improve your sense of usage of English Grammar. We do not expect you to cram everything, neither is it possible for anyone. But a couple of readings can help you retain the used structures and vocab. Try giving a read to two to three chapters daily. Remember, for English, you can never be prefect! But we can get near to perfection with critical reading.
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