
Biology Unitwise Test 01| Cell Biology

Expert Quiz Series

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About Biology: MDCAT has a basic rule ‘Stick to the Books’. The whole MDCAT paper will be based on the textbooks of pre-medical level preferably fsc textbooks. Just stick to them. There is no need to consult any kind of notes and helping books. Books are more than enough.They will serve the purpose well.
•Each and every line of the books is important particularly biology. In biology the same lines are copied and pasted in the exam. So you need to go through each and every line of the books.Just read a particular topic keenly and thoroughly two to three times in order to prepare it. There is no need of cramming. Grasp the concept and try explaining that topic to yourself

About Chemistry: The subject Chemistry is arguably the most rewarding one, in the sense that there are only a few tricky points and numerical. The rest is pure concept and cramming. Do not compromise or take this subject lightly. Revise the reactions and their mechanisms carefully. For the sake of revision and practice, EXPERT MDCAT has provided your another golden opportunity. The MCQs given in this test are the recurring ones over the years. This test is a very good chance for the final revision of the whole syllabus. We look forward to your availing it.

About Physics: Physics is considered as the most difficult subject in mdcat while students also get good marks in physics in Fsc exams. Then why students take it as a monster in mdcat? The reason is that they do not know how they should prepare physics for mdcat. First of all, take a start from your textbook not from helping books like kips, stars, etc books or tests. Do prepare your Textbook by making of shortlisting’s. Then do the practice. If u study them, it is assured that you will solve your physics’ MCQs easily. Mdcat is not so difficult as your academies tests. About 4 to 5 MCQs in mdcat are a little bit conceptual. Even if you have a strong memory, you can attempt mdcat’ physics paper without any difficulty. You make mistakes just because of a lack of concentration or due to some fear. Those students who do not join any academy can prepare physics from EXPERT MDCAT. Please do not confuse yourself with those things, formulas, MCQs which are not included in your mdcat syllabus. Always take start from an easy one. First do the practice of easy MCQs then the difficult one. So Be relax and Do your best.

About English: Mostly students don’t score well in English because they consider it an easy subject and give more importance to other subjects. But English plays a vital role in mdcat. PHYSICS and ENGLISH are the subjects that actually decide your merit because chemistry and biology are easy as compared to them and are mostly done by every student who appeared in mdcat. So, let’s discuss the ENGLISH portion. It has grammar potion, F.S.C book lines, and vocabulary. For this, you have to go through each grammar topic and learn by heart all the vocabulary words. FORGETTING FULL MARKS IN English: 1. Learn Basic Rules of Grammer and Vocabulary. 2. Memorize lecture notes. While attending lecture during academy, make your own handmade notes and while revising that topic write down all the important points related to that topic, so that one or two days before mdcat you can revise all the important stuff. 3. Read Fsc books and mark important points because some MCQ’s are the exact same lines from the books. Practice as much you can. You can practice it from anywhere you want but prefer those MCQ’s that are related to UHS syllabus.

Expert Mdcat will always be here to help you and with you in this long-lasting journey. It’s a long journey to medical college or any other respectable profession. Expert Mdcat will always be here to help you and with you in this long-lasting journey. Come here Remove your fear Make your concept clear Gear up your preparation. Everyone can access education no matter the location. There is something which is meant for your help in studies at the cost of your heed, support, and love. An online educational platform to soil out your problems either related to studies or career counseling. Group was created on Facebook for those students who are unable to bear the expenses of academies for MDCAT. The group was named “EXPERT MDCAT”. Members of this group have been active for the past two years to help all students. Its main purpose is to help students who cannot afford MDCAT test preparation expenditures in major cities. The hard work, effort, and passion of this group to help others can be estimated by its day-to-day development. Starting at Zero, the voyage continues with a convoy of thousands of students. This group provides you information and data related to FSC, MDCAT and admission to universities. “EXPERT MDCAT” expands to its own website and Mobile Application. This platform is for students to overcome their burden and tension. It helps you plan the future in a better way through an important fidelity such as counseling.


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